
Setting up the server should be quick and easy. These are the necessary steps:

  1. Download the project from Github (or git clone
  2. Navigate to the project folder and run composer install.
  3. Copy the .env file to .env.local and setup your project.
  4. Setup the APP_ENV properly. This can be done in the .env.local file or on the hosting. Setting it to prod is recommended.
  5. Run php bin/console recipes:initialize in order to download your recipes.
  6. In order to have a working UI, you'll need to build the assets that come with the project. Make sure to run node in any version higher than 10 (tested up to 15) an run npm install followed by npm run build to build the needed files.

Of course, you should deploy the project to where it will be hosted (probably before step 2).

That's it, you should be up and running. You might want to tweak the configuration or to setup automatic recipe updates.

Installing a monitoring tool (like Sentry) is recommended.

Updating from v1.3 to v1.4

We switched from composer v1 to v2. Make sure to run composer v2 when running composer install. Also if you run into this error:

Failed to create closure from callable: class 'Http\HttplugBundle\Discovery \ConfiguredClientsStrategy' does not have a method 'onEvent'

you'll have to delete your caches. Should be possible with:

rm -rf var/cache/* && bin/console cache:clear

Running another composer install after this is recommended.

Using the server

Using the server in your Symfony project is as easy as adding the proper endpoint to your composer.json:

    "symfony": {
        "endpoint": ""

Running the server locally

Running the server locally is possible by using symfony's server command: php bin/console server:start (oder server:run for a temporary instance).

Local http

Make sure to allow connections over http to composer (if using localhost) by adding this to the project's composer.json:

    "config": {
        "secure-http": false

It is not recommended to run the server locally. The best setup would be a private server behind a firewall.

With Symfony CLI

You can also run the server using the Symfony CLI by using the command symfony serve or symfony serve -d to run it in the background. This should enable https by default. This was not tested thoroughly, but a proper hosting should be preferred anyway.

Running the server using docker

A docker setup is provided. Take a look at the given docker-compose.yml. The setup of dependencies (both node and PHP) as well as asset building is included in the setup.